I'm baaaaaaaack! Please forgive me for my absence readers, but I was whisked away last week by Super Bowl XL, an event that some are referring to as the "BIGGEST EVENT IN DETROIT HISTORY SINCE THE BIRTH OF HUDSON" ... OK, so maybe I'm the only one referring to it as that, but it's my blog, and if you want to refer to it as something else, get your own blog! (Sorry, I'm still a little crabby and tired. I think some baby from Seattle -- a miniature Seahawk fan -- stole one of my pacifiers ... sore loser.)
Anyway, to remember this once-and-a-lifetime experience, I thought I'd take you through my Super Bowl Day. It all started with a bubble bath
in my own Super Bowl (I still got some of that Nurse Irene humor left over -- see one of my early entries if you don't get that joke.) I wanted to look good for my night on the town, so I asked momma CJ to get me all glossed up -- "Don't forget to wipe under the armpits mom. This is a special night," I said. If you're noticing something that's missing from this picture, don't worry, it's not the settings on your computer. I just thought I'd leave out some of the details I don't wish to share with my readers. It's not that kind of blog.
As you can see, I wasn't pleased with the first
outfit Momma CJ put on me. I mean, don't get me wrong, overalls are great and all, but this is the Super Bowl, not a monster truck rally.
But we recuperated, and I was dressed and ready to go to show Detroit that there ain't no party like a Hudson party because a Hudson party... a Hudson party... I don't remember the rest of it, but it doesn't matter, because most babies my age don't even know what it's like to be Hudson.
Let's just say that I'm a baby who knows people ... I have lots of friends, and made many more on my Super adventure, including some cowboys...
a taxi driver (pictured, right)...
and the paparazzi. No more pictures, please. No more pictures, I said!
All in all, it was a night to remember, and me and Daddy B were worn out from this manly
experience, so we took a manly nap, like bears would ... tough grizzly bears ... because we're men, and this day belonged to us.
Sorry mom, for not including your pic in this entry. I promise to get you back on Valentine's Day or some other feminine holiday ... Wow, I think that may have been my first chauvinist comment ever. Don't blame me mom. It's the Super Bowl talking... It's the Super Bowl.