
Oct. 31, 2006 Day 307 Halloween SPECIAL: Hudson as the ChickoBikerSaurus

Hello blog readers. Hope you had a happy Halloween. If you guessed that was me, as the chicken, in the last post, you were right... but that's not all I was during my spooktacular Halloweekend, which included events such as walking like a chicken through the rain, posing as a dinosaur and rooting Daddy B on in a marathon and meeting up with my friend Skeletine for some trick or treating. I put together a slidingshow below of some of my costume changes. WARNING: Some of the slides may be scary to some readers who are easily scared. (My Uncle R told me to put that disclaimer on here. He's what they call a lawyer.)


Oct. 30, 2006 Day 306: Halloween Sneak Peek

Who's that crazy chicken? You'll find out Wednesday morning when Hudson releases his first annual Halloween Spooktacular Special Edition post.

Be sure to come back and check it out, unless you're afraid of chickens?


Oct. 24, 2006 Day 300 SPECIAL EDITION: Hudson Sucks His Thumb in the Thumb (of Michigan)

Hello blog readers. I just returned from a trip to the thumb area of Michigan with a brand new old-school Tigers jacket and a new attitude. Boy how a trip like that can take away the stress of baby life. I recommend it to all my young readers out there. And I'm sure my older readers have stress, too, and could use a visit to the thumb. Well, if you do go, consider these photos as a guide on how to make friends and get the most out of your thumb visit.

First, it's always fun to travel with pals. We made our thumb trip with my friend Baby C and her parents, Momma A and Daddy N. Here's me and Baby C playing in the grass. I am a little bit jealous of her walking skills, but hope to be able to challenge her to a race someday once I get past this crawling thing. I like crawling alright, but I sure could see a lot more if I could get those legs to stay up underneath me. I think now that I'm rested I'm going to start working with some leg weights to build my walking strength.

Second thing to do is to experience the thumb wildlife. In this photo, hiding underneath the table, is a goatdog. He looks like a dog and looks like a goat at the sametime, which makes him a goatdog. He was shy at first, but eventually we became friends and he even started talking to me in goat talk. I asked Daddy B to translate it for me, but he apparently doesn't speak goat. They must not have taught that at the school he went to. Hopefully I will be given the opportunity to learn goat when I start my educational career.

Third thing to do is seek out historic landmarks, like this Wimpy statue. Wimpy likes hamburgers. I don't know if I like hamburgers yet, but I didn't let that get in the way of a potential friendship. I'm also not a statue, and Wimpy is. But the thing we did have in common is that we both agreed that babies and statues can be friends, despite their differences.

Fourth thing to do is find a pier and some graffiti. Now I'm not saying you should do the graffiti yourself, because that's against the people rulebook, but if you find some, it's OK to look at it. But either way, make sure you walk out to the end of the pier, so you can get a good look at the water. I wanted to take a bath in it too, but Momma and Daddy said it was too cold. Maybe next time...

And fifthly, get some rest! A thumb trip is not a thumb trip without a nap. But if you have trouble sleeping, just make sure you bring a pacifier along... puts me right out.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope you too will take the time to have yourself a thumb trip. Go thumb!


Oct. 18, 2006 Day 294: Leave the Biting to Me Buddy

There's a new boy that's living in our building. His name is Buddy. He's a dog. He belongs to Mr. KoGo, the man upstairs.

Buddy likes to play. He also likes to steal my left socks, and bite me in the tuckus (pssst... if you didn't already know, that's another word for a behind, or, as some less sophisticated babies call it, a butt.)

I think Buddy is my friend. We both have our strengths and weaknesses, but we complement each other well. Buddy has a tail and walks really fast, but he pees on the floor. I stopped peeing on the floor a long time ago, but I still need help with the walking, and I haven't grown a tail yet.

I wonder at what age it starts growing? It must be old because Momma CJ and Daddy B don't have tails, and they're really old. Hmmm? Maybe I'll ask Buddy the next time I see him. He's little, but like me, he's smart for his age and knows all sorts of little facts like that.

Anyway, I got to go... I need to find my sock. "Hey Buddy! Where'd you put my sock? Did you eat it again?"


Oct. 8, 2006 Day 284: Patty-cake 101

Grandma D taught me the patty-cake, and now I'm going to teach it to you!


Oct. 7, 2006 Day 283: Welcome to the Hudson Show

Hey everybody! I recently visited a place called the Children's Museum and I put on my own puppet show... and guess who was the star of the show? You're looking at him.

It was a great show and I would like to first start off by thanking my fans for coming out and supporting me. I would then like to thank Momma CJ and Daddy B for holding me up while I performed on stage... my balance is sketchy at times. But most of all I would like to thank my supporting cast -- Broccoli Rob, Sweet Potato Brown, Mr. Droopy Head, the Alligator and the rest of the puppet crew.

And, I'd also like to give a shout out to Auntie HB, who helped to teach me what a stage presence is. Happy Birthday Auntie HB! My show will be hitting the road, just like you, sometime soon. I'll post the tour dates as soon as we lock them up.


Oct. 2, 2006 Day 278: Who's on First? Hudson Is!

Hey everyone. I went to my first baseball game this past week.

It was the Tigers vs. the Blue Birdies and, unfortunately, the Blue Birdies won.

Kenny Rogers was on the mound for the Tigers and I have to say that he didn't have his best stuff. He was having some control issues and was missing on his curveball. From a baby's perspective, I would have to say he looked a little "rattled." Get it? Like a baby's rattle? (If you don't like that joke, blame Nurse Irene. I've been telling bad jokes since Day One because of her.)

But it was OK that the Tigers didn't win because I had fun eating, and watching the game and napping during the seventh inning stretch and spending the day with Momma CJ and Daddy B.

By the way, it was Daddy B's birthday, so I dedicate this post to him.

Even though his birthday was on Thursday, we celebrated it all weekend long. I thought it would never end, but he tells me I can do the same when my first birthday comes at the end of December... and he said that I'll know when my birthday is over because they will drop a big ball from the sky in New York City to mark the end of Hudson's birthday. I hear a lot of people are expected to attend the occasion. I can't wait!